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Ocean Springs, Mississippi, United States


Friday, October 10, 2008

October 9th, 2008, Wesley Ryan Fry's condition remains stable. He has been breathing through a trache and off the ventilator for 2 days. He has a feeding tube (AKA "a PEG") feeding him into his stomach. Wesley will remain at Ocean Springs Hospital until some time next week. He has a few infections the doctors need to clear up before they can transport him to Jackson to begin rehabilitation. We don't know what the future will hold for Wesley, just that he has a very long, tough road ahead of him. Thank you for all of your prayers, love, and support. The Fry Family is overwhelmed and gracious. If you would like to leave a comment to the family, you can do so on the comment link below.


Marty and Shannon Saucier said...

The last 2 weeks have been a long road for all of us, especially you. I just wanted to let you know how strong you are and how much I admire your courage. Marty and I will be by your side with every path that life may bring to you and Wes. I am proud of Wes for the progress that he has made. We are here for you anytime you need us.

The Sparrow said...

I am so saddened by what has happend to Wes and your family. Good people do not deserve this. I think about you guys every single day since I heard the news, and every day I wait to hear that things are getting better. I will be coming home from TN next week, and I would love to help with anything I can. Please let me know whatever you may need, and I will be there for you. -Traci

Dawn McNabb said...

I am so touched by the support, love, and devotion of all of our friends. They never cease to amaze me during difficult times. Jennie and Wes are loved so much and are two of the greatest friends anyone could ever ask for, please continue to pray for them. I know that Wes will recover with Jennie and Trent giving him the motivation to continue progressing EACH and every day! I am so thankful to have such great friends surrounding me with their kindness and feel blessed to have each one of you in my life. Please pass this page on to as many people as possible, with hopes that we can help the Fry's during this difficult time!
Love ya,

Lou Fry said...

Marty and Shannon, I am Scott's sister, Wes' Aunt Lou.

I left a message on the carepages blog, but want to say again how much I appreciate you creating a page for Wes to keep his friends and family updated on his condition. And for being there for Wes, Jennie, and Trent.

Thanks again! Lou

Lou Fry said...

Jennie, thanks for sharing Wes' spiritual thoughts with all of us. Wes is truly in the Healing Hands of the Lord. I'd admire and appreciate your love for Wes, and your son together. I'd admire your courage and strength during this difficult time.

Please know all of the Fry family is praying for Wes, as is all of our friends and respective churches.



Wes, Jennie, and Trenton-
We are praying and sending our love to you guys every day. The strength and courage you have Wes, and the devotion and love you give Jennie, is an inspiration to both of us. Over the past few years you have become like family, and we are blessed to have such dear friends. We love you and miss you!
April & Jacob Page

Dan and Deanne said...


I want you to know that I am truly in awe of your courage & strength during what I am sure is easily the most trying and frightening time in your life. The strength that both you and Wes have shown in fighting to get through this is inspirational. Please know Dan and I and all of our families are praying for you, Wes, & your families every single day. Please also know that we are here for you if you need anything at all. I encourage you to keep looking to the Lord for guidance as he will surely be there for you every step of the way. While I don't know what the future holds, I do know that God is always there for those that open their hearts to him. May God bless Wes with a full and speedy recovery! I love you very much and am just a phone call or text message away if ever you need me.


Mike said...

Wes and family, know that laura's friends are all thinking positive thoughts... OOOHHHHMMM. We look forward to the day Laura tells us you are fully recovered. Mikey et al.

jolie_bourgeois said...

Hey's me your fabulous sis!!! You are the strongest and bravest person I've ever known. The love that u and Wes have for one another touches me so deeply. When u sit there by his hospital bed, it gives me chills. You have a special connection that I've never seen until now. He is fighting his way back to you and Trent everyday. His beautiful life alone is worth fighting for, but knowing that he has a u and trent is making his will that much stronger.....Not to mention he has this kickass sister-in-law ....LOL! I love u Wes with all of my heart and I know u can hear me...I say my prayers and talk out loud to u everynite. Me and trent have a little talk everynite after his story time all about his daddy and how much u love and miss him. Well, it's time for some SHUT EYE....Trenton loves saying that...
I love the 3 of u sooooo much. Sweetest dreams to all of you and I'll talk to ya tomorrow..Nite