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Ocean Springs, Mississippi, United States


Sunday, October 12, 2008

October 11,2008

As all of you know, 2 weeks ago my life changed forever. My happy, perfect little life and family was turned upside down. There are some of you who may only know Wesley as an aquaintance, and there are some of you who know Wesley as a very good friend. What you may not know, is how much more wonderful Wesley has been as a Husband, a Father, and a son. I feel compelled to spread some of our last conversations with all of you. For the past year, Wesley finally found something that he loved to do and made it his career. I saw the freedom and the joy that this brought to his life, and decided to be a part of it. We started a family business doing real estate appraisals together, and we have enjoyed the extra time that it has allowed us to spend together. Wesley would want to have deep discussions with me about God. He would tell me that he would just be riding down the road, and that he could not stop thinking about his life, and how lucky he was to be able to walk and talk and see and hear. He would "out of the blue" almost on a daily basis say, "Jen, I think people just take their lives for granted, and it bothers me." Now, this is coming from a man that I have been with for 10 years who never had these things on his mind. And if he did, he kept it very private. All I know, and the only thing I know right now, is that Wesley would want me to spread these thoughts of God and gratefulness for him and through him. He cherished every breath and step he took. Wesley had God in his heart wheen this horrific accident took place, and I truly believe that is why he is still here with us breathing on his own. He has a long road, and he may not be our same Wesley as we once knew him, but he will know one day how may people really care about him and love him. I struggle every day with "WHY", but there is a reason. And if you never stopped to think about how lucky that you are, maybe now you will. I am overwelmed with the outpouring love, support, and comfort that is surrounding me right now. This is truly the work of a higher being, and Wesley and I are blessed to have all of you in our lives right now. You will not be forgotten. You are all true friends, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart and Wesley's.The Wife


Jeff Page said...

You have no idea how great it is to read the words that Jenny has written. Not only are the words and the truths a comfort in a time that is anything but comfortable, but they are also so clear and powerful. I do believe with all my heart that God wants us all to recognize the gifts that He has given us, and the depth of His love for us. "Taking our lives for granted" is the most understated truth that all of us are guilty of. I appreciate the fact that even in a situation like this, God reminds you of these conversations and let's you know that people need and want to hear them. Randi and I pray for you, Wes, and your families daily, and I hope that God continues to reveal His purposes to you. Please continue to keep us informed on Wes's condition, and know that you and Wes are loved; not only by your countless friends and family, but by the One that, like you said, gives us the ability to breathe and the opportunity to tell others about Him. We love you, and want to encourage you to keep smiling.

Lou Fry said...

Well said, Jeff Page, I'm Lou, Wes' aunt.

Keep smiling Wes! I love you son!