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Ocean Springs, Mississippi, United States


Monday, November 10, 2008

Monday, November 10th

Had a good talk with one of Wes's doctors this morning. She feels pretty optimistic about Wes recovering fully. There is not a time line as to when that might be, but his progress here so far is absolutely amazing. Things that he is still having trouble with the most are his short term memory, and having a tendancy to forget about his left arm and hand. But even those things are improving slowly. It could take up to a full year to see him recover fully, and I have accepted that. Wes is now aware of his condition, and he has accepted that too. Accepting what God has handed us to deal with and live with is what I have learned most about all of this. Things seem to be so much easier once you accept them. We had another unexpected family emergency today. My Grandmother (my mom's mom) was rushed to the hospital this morning. Still not too sure what is wrong, but it has to do with her back and she is in alot of pain. She cannot walk, so my mother had to rush back to Ocean Spring this morning. So please keep her in your prayers as well. Thank you Rachel Rushing (my Shear Attitude boss) for sitting with my grandmother this morning until someone got there. And thank you Nicole Fayard for getting here so fast to help out with Trent. You are all a blessing to me. Sorry Dawn, but Nicole told me to tell you, "Na na na boo boo" because she got to see Wes and you didn't!!! Just kidding........Nicole made me do this. And I can't forget to wish my wonderful father and Wes's Aunt Laura (Lou) a very Happy Birthday. We love you guys. Can't wait to see you again. Jennie

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