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Ocean Springs, Mississippi, United States


Friday, October 24, 2008

Friday, October 24th

Just thought you all would like to know that Wesley took his first steps today in almost one month. He had a therapist on each side of him guiding him around the ICU floor. I stayed right behind him with the most unbelievable joy that I have ever felt. It was then that I realized that it wasn't just me being strong. It was about me having all my faith in God and in my husband, that he would be able to take on anything that life threw his way. Wesley should be an inspiration to us all, that you really can do anything you put your mind to. He has alot of work to do, but he has already defeated the odds.
He was also finally moved back to a floor room today, where he will stay until first thing Monday morning. Then....IT'S ON!!!! And I will be there pushing him every step of the way.
Love you all.......Jennifer Fry


steph said...

That gave me chills :) Your perseverance and faith will get you thru this. I keep you guys in my prayers daily, and I am here if you need ANYTHING! See you Sunday :)


Lou Fry said...

JENNIE!!!! WHOOHOO! Praise be to God and His Healing Hands! You know how much I love all of you! Aunt Lou

Caroline said...

Wow!! We knew he could do it! He truly has taught us all the value of patience. Love yall both!!

Larry Johnson said...

I could never begin to imagine what your family is going through right now. All I know is that I'm glad Wes is continuing to get better day after day. It's such a long healing process but I have faith that Wes is going to make it through this. God bless! Larry Johnson

Lauri said...

Way to go Wes! I knew you could do it. Keep fighting everyday! We're praying for you down here in Florida.