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Ocean Springs, Mississippi, United States


Saturday, October 18, 2008

October 18, 2008

As of Friday, October 17th, I finally have good news for all of you. The doctors told us in the beginning that we would not see leaps and bounds with Wesley. Well, he proved the doctors wrong. He is very aware of his surroundings right now. His eyes are open more than they are closed. He was still not moving his left arm 2 days ago, but he is now moving it very well. Today, I got him to smile for the first time. He still can not speak, but he his following almost every command very consistantly. He is still on the trache, but the doctors are thinking they might be able to start capping it off very soon. He was moved from his bed to a special chair today where he actually got to sit in an upright position for the first time in almost 3 weeks. His legs are moving all over the bed, like he just wants to jump out. He will be transported by ambulance first thing Monday morning to Methodist Rehabilitation in Jackson. He still has an infection in his lungs, but they are treating it accordingly to get it under control. I have witnessed a miracle, and I just want you all to know that your thoughts, concerns, and prayers have all been answered. Wesley is showing signs of Shear determination. He has always said, "You can do anything you put your mind to". Well, he is now living proof. Thank you all, and thank you God.Jennifer Fry


Randi said...

Thank you for sharing this!! God is so good! For some reason I keep getting surprised by Him even though I know NOTHING is impossible for HIm. We will continue to lift Wes and the entire family up in prayer. Ever since this happened this verse has been constantly in my head.
"Come to Me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest for My yoke is easy and My burden is light."
I know that things seem like a roller coaster ride at the moment, but I know God is faithful and He will see everyone through. If you need us, we are hear! Love ya'll,

Randi Page

Team Ludlow said...

We have been praying for Wes as a family and as a church body. I have put him on 2 different church prayer lists and he gets hundreds of prayers each day. jenny, you have been so strong and we have been lifting you up each day as well. May God continue to bless each of you during this time. He has a huge plan for Wes and his life. I will be so excited to get to see him testify about what God has done for him very soon.
Blessings to you all,

Lisa Ludlow Archer and Family