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Ocean Springs, Mississippi, United States


Saturday, October 18, 2008

Today, Saturday October 18th, as of 10:30 a.m., Wesley has been moved back into ICU. Around 10:15 this morning he began to cough up mass amounts of blood through his trache. He was brought back to surgery, so they could try to find the source of the bleed. They ruled out the most dangerous source, which would've been a major artery leading from his heart. However, they were unable to find the source of the bleed. They did have to open the chest cavity(about 6 inches in length). His trache whole has been closed up for the time being. He will be back on the breathing tube with the ventilator for the next couple of days. Wesley will most likely stay in the ICU over the next week, so that they can watch him carefully. Our trip to rehab will be on delay until further notice. I'm so sorry that I got everyone's hopes up, but I have been told that this will not cause his brain activity to regress. Let's just hope that we can get him back into a room by the end of the week so that he can pick up where he left off. For now, he is stable and the bleeding has stopped. I will continue to give any updates as I get them. Thank you all once again for all of your prayers. Jennifer Fry


Dawn McNabb said...

I hope that all of you will continue to prayer for Wes and the entire family. Wes is having a better day today and we hope that all of his family is able to rest in hopes of going to Jackson sometime soon! Please continue to let everyone know about the upcoming fish fry and silent auction. We want to have the best turnout for Wes, Jennie, and Trenton.

Lou Fry said...

Hey Sweet Jennie, Wes is fighting to come back to you and Trent. He's strong, smart, courageous and WILLING! My thoughts and prayers are with you all. I love you, Lou